
Welcome to our Website & Our Village Hall

The hall rebuild is underway while we continue fundraising!




Situated in the heart of our popular seaside village and at the heart of our community.

Since the 1970’s there has been a village hall committee who meet regularly and work hard to arrange many events and activities to bring the local community together.

Our main focus at the moment is the need to rebuild our back hall where many events take place,

June 2023 We have now received three quotes for the rebuilding of the hall and as we expected these are far more than our original target of £198,000.

We are now looking at a cost of £ 264,100 and so far have a total of £250,000 banked with more pledged as at 30 October 2023 to take us to our target. We do expect that the final cost will be more so need to continue to fund raise so that we have a healthy contingency should this be the case. We are currently looking into applying to various funding bodies as well as organising several exciting fund raising events. We are also looking to see if we qualify for a Rural Community Building Loan which is specifically for village halls who have almost reached their target and need a small amount to enable a project to start. This loan, if agreed, does not have to be used unless we need it and can be repaid in full at any point with no penalties.  We are hoping not to have to take up this option!

Activities have included regular coffee mornings; a book group, a sewing group, youth and toddler groups, canasta, play reading, painting, table tennis, short mat bowls, bacon roll mornings, quiz nights and a number of whole community events, usually involving food.

It is also regularly used by groups raising money for charities and by some small businesses for meetings, to hold classes and also as a polling station.

To book the hall for a regular or one off event

  • The planned new hall
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Trevone Village Hall is in the centre of the popular seaside village, and dates back to 1922 when it was converted from a calf shed to a Men’s Club. After World War II a second hand military Nissen Hut was built and placed at the rear of the Men’s club with adjoining toilet facilities. At first the hut was rented out, but in the 1970’s many villagers worked hard to convert the hut into a larger hall for the community.

Since the 1970’s there has been a village hall committee who meet regularly and work hard to arrange many events and activities to bring the local community together. Activities have included regular coffee mornings, a book group, a sewing group, canasta, play reading, painting, table tennis, short mat bowls, bacon roll mornings, quiz nights and a number of whole community events, usually involving food. It is also regularly used by groups raising money for charities and by some small businesses for meetings, to hold classes and also as a polling station. It is hired for private functions and for general use by the community to suit its needs.

Opening the new hall

In the past 10 years after a number of initiatives the hall has become a registered charity and has an up-to-date constitution with annual general meetings and independently checked accounts. The front hall has been completely refurbished with a grant from SITA Cornwall Trust.

However the rear hall is in a very bad state of repair and plans have been put in place and nearly completion, for a new hall to be built to replace the old damp Nissen hut. Fund raising has been going on for some years and had now reached the original target of £198,000 target but we have now received three quotes for the rebuilding of the hall. As expected these are far more than our original the best being just over £264,000 so we are still fundraising to achieve our goal and provide a new hall for future generations.

Help us reach our target

The New Hall


For Hall or Event Bookings, General Information and Newsletter sign up just use the form below or call 07970947682